Monday, February 11, 2008


Like most people I go to the dentist 2 x a year, so six months ago I made my appointment for the next six months. In the mean time, we have a monthly checkpoint meeting that a handful of us meet once a month to work on leadership. The meeting ended up landing at the same time my dentist appointment was so when the dentist office called to remind me that I had a 11:20am appointment I decided to ask if they had any different times available, she said yes we have a 4:00 today, well , we were hosting workshops today so I declined. The more I thought about it the more I thought I should just go ahead and go today so I could attendane the Tuesday meeting. I ran it across my boss and she agreed so I quickly called back and said I would take the 4:00. The gal at the dentist office replied she had a 3:00 so I said I'll take it. Upon arrival I signed in as always, took a seat and proceeded to wait, and wait and wait, finally after sitting there for nearly 35 minutes and watching people that had came in way after I got there, I decided I should inquire and see what the hold up was. I walked up to the counter and notice that on the sign in sheet every name has been crossed off except mine. I asked how much longer it would be until I got called. The gal asked for my name and what time my appointment was for, so I explained to her the changes and she replied oh the 3:00 is for tomorrow, which was not what she said when she said the 4:00 had been filled. I then asked why no one had followed up with the name that was on the sign in sheet that had never been called out or crossed off, the whole time I was asking the gal the question another lady was nodding her head yes in agreement with me. I asked if they would be able to squeeze me in anyway today but they declined. She then asked what I wanted to do. I said well I have to reschedule so she began to look at the calendar and couldn't get me in until March 10th. Without a schedule in front of me I did not want to commit to the date and asked if I can call them. I left frustrated and a bit angry for the lack of better words. Don't get me wrong I realize people make mistake but the fact that not one person chose to call my name was enough to make me go home and change dentist. I did call them back but it wasn't to set the next appointment it was to ask them to transfer my records to my new dentist. AHHH GEEZE!

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